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Integrated design engineering department

The design engineering department is integrated in our manufacturing workshop and it has a full set of "constructor's" drawings at its disposal.

Thanks to our direct collaboration with our field technicians, we are able to make filtration bags and pockets to measure, to adapt them to suit the specific constraints of each installation:

  • Optimization of the seal between the bag and the perforated plate,
  • Optimization of the pitch (to reduce the mechanical constraints stemming from the cleaning pulses),
  • Optimization of mechanical strength (adding reinforcing elements in the fragile areas),
  • Adequacy of the bag as compared with the supporting basket.


Each technical file is validated by making a model bag that is then tested under actual conditions, by fitting it in a plate with an opening of the required diameter and inserting a suitable basket (our design engineering department has a full collection of "constructor's" baskets at its disposal).

On request, this operation can be carried out on the site by our technicians.